Enel. Incorporating an Intersecting View of the Client

Implications: Public Studies, Spain, Research

Truly Putting the Focus on the Consumer

The context

Over the past few years, Enel has consolidated the customer view as a strategic perspective for developing its services, in general, and its digital channels, in particular.

Therefore, we proposed taking the customer’s pulse in a cohesive and transversal way, with the aim of obtaining insights that would allow us to identify areas of continuous improvement for the customer experience.

The project

We designed an ad hoc online community with company customers of various services, age cohorts and geographic locations. Despite having carried out the pilot with 30 participants, current volume within the community now surpasses 200 customers, having broadened its composition with attitudinal and socio-demographic profiles.

The results

Over the course of three years of its implementation, the community operates under a multi-purpose methodology: growth by means of challenges, objectives and company structure, in such a way that it’s been able to meet objectives in sprints of 2-3 weeks in areas as distinct as communication, UX, brands and service design.   
