Optimal durations for advertising block structures
Analyzing the Structure of Advertising Blocks
Categoría: Audiovisual Consumption, research, Atresmedia
Optimal durations for advertising block structures
Analyzing the Structure of Advertising Blocks
Categoría: Audiovisual Consumption, research, Atresmedia
Digital platforms and the Operación Triunfo experience in li...
Study conducted for Google and RTVE.
Category: RTVE, research, Audiovisual Consumption
What lessons has the consumer taught us in the last year?
Spanish consumer trends in 2018
Category: Trends Review 2019, consumers, research, trends
2018 Trends in Means of Payment
An Intense Year in Updating and Reforming The Business of Means of Payment
Category: research, Means of Payment
The Strike that Backfired on Taxi Drivers
These strikes in the taxi sector have led to increases in new users of VTC
Category: research, consumers
Presenting the Results of the XI Edition of Televidente
Presenting Televidente Now! (XI Wave) along with Telefónica and Ymedia.
Category: Spain, Public studies, research
The Ways in which Personality Traits Affect the Buying Patter...
We Conducted Studies on the Ways in which Personality Traits Affect the Buying Patterns of Individua
Category: research, Spain, Public studies
Value Systems and Consumption Models Based on Gender and Age
Value Systems and Consumption Models Based on Gender and Age
Category: Spain, research
Trends Review – What Learnings Have We Gained from 2017?
The Cocktail Analysis presents Trends Review 2017
Category: Public studies, Spain, research
We Studied the Process of Purchasing a Car for Schibsted Medi...
We Studied the Process of Purchasing a Car for Schibsted Media
Category: Spain, research